Friday 25 September 2015

The Tripods (1984) Episode 11

The boys continue on their journey and encounter occasional dangers, such as having to cross a deep fast-moving river in which Beanpole nearly drowns. But the boys are unaware of the greatest danger of all: Daniel is still following them on horseback.

IB - Henry is tired of walking and walking and walking! Think how we feel!

JL - Will is giving us a good look at his bulge sitting with his legs that far open. It's not for nothing his friends know him as 'Tripod'.

JL - Henry: 'I'm getting thin!' Don't kid yourself, son.

JL - Will's hairy legs are a masterpiece when he gets his breeches off to cross the river.

IB - Beanpole manages to almost drown in a shallow stream. He's the brains, not the brawn, but surely he isn't that ineffectual?

IB - Daniel the Black Guard is tracking them. I expected a Tripod to peak over that hill. What an anti-climax!

JL - Maybe the model budget was running out by this point.

IB - There's a rusty, burnt out old car in the field. So post-apocalyptic.

JL - Beanpole's full length leather maternity coat - I can only describe it that way - is trés cool.

With it now being October, the boys are cold and hungry, but accept a ride from a passing horse and cart that takes them to a small village. As they approach the town the boys hear bells and fear it may be a capping ceremony with a Tripod in attendance.

JL - The boys look at the fruit on the cart and feel hungry. As do I. There's too much food porn in this show.

IB - Instead of just refusing, the boys reluctantly accept a one way lift to Jabberwocky.

IB - More great locations with the abbey ruins.

JL - 'Look at all that food!' Fucking. Stop. It.

JL - Ha, look at the town baron in his big hat straight out of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Before being there long, their hunger overcomes the three travellers' better judgment and they are nearly caught stealing food. Although they temporarily elude the villagers who pursue them, they are seen and a large crowd chase them through the woods until they reach a spot marked with skulls. Beanpole, Will and Henry continue running not realising they have entered an area ruled by incredibly violent Vagrants. Within minutes they are caught and subjected to a strange ceremony.

IB - This entire episode revolves around looking at food. The boys steal provisions but drop most of them, except for a massive French Stick. It's almost Freudian.

JL - The little girl points them out and gives them away. I knew there was a reason I hated children.

IB  - I love the way the Baron makes sure he slams his money coffer shut when he hears there are thieves abroad.

JL - Someone's got their priorities right.

IB - Skulls on posts. that can't be good, surely?

JL - It's gone all Man with the Golden Gun all of a sudden.

IB - They find a massive wooden Tripod fashioned from branches. It's very intelligent this world-building, the Tripods have become an intrinsic part of human culture.

JL - Then our heroes - our boys! - are grabbed by some weirdos in face paint who seem very excitable. Ils n'ont pas de culotte!

IB - So they cap the boys with crude triangular twig caps of their own. It's very trippy.

JL - Will should be in his element then. There's lots of crazed laughing. This is just like a normal night round John Nathan Turner's house.

JL - There's another dwarf! Dwarftastic!

IB - They're playing catch with the grenades the boys brought with them.

JL - Pull the pin, you freaks!

IB - Beanpole: 'we have our wits. They do not.' Awesome Beanpole. Will jumps up and down and quotes Ozymandias. That's continuity.

JL - Embarrassing as it is. I died the first time this was transmitted. I was watching it with my parents. It was slow and drawn out and horrible. 

IB - Will's chicken impression is profound. He's got those vagrants eating birdseed out of his hand.


Despite being outnumbered the teenagers outwit their captors and manage to escape, only to fall into the hands of the villagers again, who put them on trial. If they are found guilty the judgement will be that they are capped the very next day.

IB - Out of the frying pan, into the fire, and back into the frying pan as a whole battalion (or so) of Black Guards await them.

JL - At least it put an end to the chicken impression. Will needs a punch to the frontal lobe.

IB - Again the baddies aren't all bad. They think the uncapped have strange thoughts, and all they want to do is cap them, they don't want any kind of retribution. 'We are civilised'.

JL - Too civilised.

IB - The humans aren't at fault, they're just puppets.

JL - Puppets of the Tripods! Cue credits.


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